Our Adult Fitness Program is for anyone who is a former athlete or wants to train like an athlete! Don't settle for good enough when it comes to achieving your goals! At Durkin Sports Performance, every single person that comes through our doors is on their own customized program that is designed to get you to your goals and beyond! It doesn't matter if you are trying lose lose 40+ pounds, gain muscle, or just trying to get back into shape! We start you at a program that is right for you and your goals so you can achieve ultimate success!
No more classes, no more boot camps, no more cookie cutter programs that don't get real results! Get Guaranteed results that will last a life time when training with DSP! Enjoy a stress free training experience with our system that is designed to take the guess work out of training so you can focus on what really matters, RESULTS!
The very first thing we do is perform a 100% free Evaluation! This Evaluation allows us to see everything that we need to see to build out your program custom to you! It also gives us a baseline of where you are at right now. Then, we sit down with you and talk goals! This is where you can get very specific with what you are looking for! After that, we get to work and build out your program and get ready for your first session!
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